Sonesta Hotel Cartagena, is a full service hotel in Cartagena de Indias that offers a wide range of services to make your stay an exceptional experience. Enjoy amenities such as the airport commute service, restaurants and bars that will delight you with exquisite cuisine, spacious halls for events, free Wi-Fi access, 24-hour reception service and much more. You can trust our hotel for all your stays in Cartagena, and we strive to provide you with the highest level of hospitality and comfort.
We have three swimming pools: two for adults, one for children. Under maintenance: Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday after holidays.
You can practice your favorite sport during your stay in Cartagena.
Enjoy the perfect space to savor the best drinks overlooking the pool.
Parking at no additional cost subject to availability.
While you are with us you can continue to keep fit in our gym in Cartagena.
Hire with prior reservation and if you wish the routes airport - hotel - airport.
We have free Wi-Fi service. The best way to be connected all the time.
You can count on service for your requirements all day, at your service if you wish.